Archives: Projects

  • Virtual Communications Strategy Officer

    Virtual Communications Strategy Officer

    In the dynamic landscape of image building for businesses, many companies specially startouts and scale ups and smaller firms in Pakistan often grapple with two critical challenges: insufficient marketing efforts and fierce competition with larger corporations who can pay top buck for the best marketing, communucations and pr resources. Does your business struggle with the…

  • PR & Comms Strategy

    PR & Comms Strategy

    Building a brands repute and building it right will always play a massive role in determining end user decisions, so having an effective PR strategy in place is essential, and if we know a thing or two here at Crunch, it’s how to get this done. Our team works tirelessly to develop and deliver effective…

  • Narration & Storytelling

    Narration & Storytelling

    While specific announcements can sometimes be unpredictable beyond their immediate release in terms of weeks, every story a brand tells needs to be in service of an overarching narrative that can and should be defined from the start and in total alignment of your corporate goals. Crunch works with you to build that narration and…

  • Media Training

    Media Training

    Before we proceed to set up even a single interview, we spend the time with a company leadership team to make sure that the decided messaging comes through loud and clear, no matter a journalist, throws your way. With so many brands vying for attention, getting quality earned media coverage is becoming more and more…

  • Events & Conferences

    Events & Conferences

    Our clients have been featured everywhere. We ensure that if there is a panel or industry trade show where a brand we represent needs to be, we will try our best to leverage that possibility. Having worked with the industry for over 20 years it becomes easier for us to tailor such collaborations. On the…

  • Collaboration & Outreach

    Collaboration & Outreach

    Aligning our client brands with like-minded companies is a key way to reach new and relevant audiences and building such bridges is something we excel at. The perfect partnership marries like-minded values, ideals and goals, and as such we work to partner brands that will resonate not only with each other but with a common…

  • Digital Asset Creation

    Digital Asset Creation

    Be it engaging show reels, awesome videos or beautiful photography, or hosting a live discussion or presentation online, we know just who to call to create assets that will keep your audience engaged.

  • Influencer Relationships

    Influencer Relationships

    Sometimes a well-placed tweet, LinkedIn share, or on-stage mention from the right influencer carries as much weight as a news article. Much like our collaboration service pool we draw on our existing contacts, and spend time carefully researching influencers that speak to a campaigns objectives to ensure not only the right lift and story acquisition…

  • Crisis Management

    Crisis Management

    Crises can and often do happen, but it’s how a PR manager navigates each scenario that sets a brand apart from its competition. In fact, some of the greatest PR stories have come about following a crisis well handled. That’s where Crunch comes in. We work behind the scenes to ensure positive sentiment amongst media…

  • Startup/Short Term Packets

    Startup/Short Term Packets

    Getting a brand new brand out there is the name of the game for start-ups for many reasons, including consumer awareness, investor funding, and brand building. This is where Crunch steps onto the scene and helps new startups construct a communications walkway. Sometimes, a company needs to get the news out, fast. As such, a…